Friday, December 3, 2021

Potential Networking shenanigans to protect Sonos

So Sonos does not allow you to password protect your devices. Any device on the network can access the Sonos.

Our environment: Aruba IAPs performing DHCP for WIFI on top of a Sonicwall performing DHCP for the APs and Hardline. Yes I need to overhaul it so we just have one DHCP, I know. I didn't set it up and it is currently working, so I'll handle it another day once I have fully inventoried my school and can come in on a weekend.

Anyways, my predecessor's resolution to the security of the Sonos was to buy a standalone home Wifi router to connect it to. I want to remove that router. I would like to prevent all devices but one having access to the Sonos, so I get that means creating a new SSID separate on the Aruba Controller that uses a different subnet. Is there a way that subnet can access our main Aruba and Sonicwall subnets, the ones we use for everything else, but not let the main subnets access the Sonos?

The biggest reason I'm going through this trouble is my Gym teacher who uses this is a vocal luddite and I want to remove forcing her to switch networks to airdrop her photos/print if at all possible.

If anyone has any other ideas that will work I'm all ears.

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