Thursday, November 25, 2021

understanding switch behaviour

I got following Setup:

camera -> switch -> target

My camera streams udp with a strict destination to the target.
I'm interested in the intended behaviour when the target loses physical connection.

Expected behaviour:
camera is still streaming but switch doesnt forward any of it's data because the MAC-adress is not present anymore.

Actual behaviour:
camera is still streaming and the switch broadcasts the camera data to all ports, while the destination is still the same as before. (confirmed through wireshark)

Some devices on the network are not reachable anymore because they are overwhelmed with the broadcast traffic. (10Mbit device is barely reachable when the 15Mbit udp stream turns to broadcast)

My workaround:
I put the setup with camera and target on it's own vlan, so they dont disturb with the broadcast.

My questions:
Is the actual behaviour the intended behaviour of a switch?
If so, who's responsible to stop the camera stream so the network doesn't get flodded with data?

I got a problem where a udp stream turns to a broadcast when physical connection(unplugging network cable, turning device off) to the destination is lost. According to the actual behaviour is the intended behaviour. How do i avoid my network getting flooded in this case or who is responsible to stop the udp stream?

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