Wednesday, October 27, 2021

What are you using for TLS decryption these days?

I understand it's somewhat of a niche space, so I've asked in a few places.

I'm looking to replace some aging SSL visibility appliances that I have deployed today.

My current requirements are: 10Gbps / 1.5 million pps. I'm regularly pushing 7.5Gbps encrypted traffic on each of my various devices.

I have all of my connections tapped today and will regardless of scale.

I may eventually be scaling to 400Gbps, but I'm not opposed to scaling horizontal for the right solution(s).

What are you using for your SSL decryption setup? Having your load balancers decrypt and output to a span port? Big iron? Firewalls doing decryption and passing along to your tooling? There are a lot of ways to skin this cat, and I'm just curious what everyone else is doing...

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