Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Equinix cloud connect - Has anyone ever used it?

Recently our management jumped on the train to get into the equinix cloud connect but nobody really understands it. Doesnt seem to be a ton of info available on the web on how these work...

The main question is how do they get away with charging only 500 dollars a month for a 10Gb path to azure/AWS/GCI/etc? Do we buy their cloud exchange then have to buy the express route/direct connect on top of it and provision it to their system? Or do we get that bandwidth just from paying their monthly fee?

On top of that how is routing handled? Do we peer directly with the carriers or do we peer through the exchange like we would for a megaport?

Thanks for any info or experiences people have. Just a bit worried since management seems to be getting sold this but we can't really find any technical info on the routing or other connectivity requirements =/.

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