Tuesday, March 9, 2021

DHCP taking a long time to handout addresses

I work in a K12 environment with about 15k+ devices. We have two load balanced Windows DHCP servers in our data center which each school connects to with around 100 scopes going to different vlans across the school district. We've had a similar set up for the past few years without any issues. Recently in the morning during the start of the day, it can take 5 to 20 minutes for devices to get an IP Address. After about 30 minutes, once all the students and staff arrive there aren't any issues.

One thing that has changed is since COVID we've let students take home their assigned iPads, which means at 8:00am there are around 12k devices coming in the network within a 15-30 minute period. I'm assuming this is the cause of the problem as it started the week that students changed from distance learning to back to school and we never had this many devices connecting at once before.

I'm not really sure how to resolve this issue, tried changing lease times to 1.5 days, not seeing any errors on DHCP logs, server resources are below 50 percent, bandwidth is fine considering the devices have no issues after receiving an address.

Has anyone had any experience like this or has worked with an environment with this many connections happening at once?

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