Friday, February 26, 2021

Python for Network Engineers free course starts next Tuesday

Pretty much once a quarter, we run a free online course on Python for Network Engineers; our next course starts Tuesday, March 2nd. The course is a self-paced, online course though we run it as a cohort on a particular schedule.

The course is a lesson a week for 8 weeks and consists videos, exercises, and additional content. The course is at its core about Python fundamentals, but it is wrapped up in examples and exercises that should be more familiar to network engineers. The lessons come out every Tuesday morning (U.S. Pacific time)

The weekly syllabus is as follows:
- Week1: Why Python, the Python Interpreter Shell, and Strings
- Week2: Numbers, Files, Lists, and Linters
- Week3: Conditionals and Loops
- Week4: Dictionaries, Exceptions, and Regular Expressions
- Week5: Functions and the Python Debugger
- Week6: Netmiko Basics
- Week7: Jinja2 Basics, Introduction to YAML and JSON, Complex Data Structures
- Week8: Libraries, Package Installation, and Virtual Environments

A bit about myself--I am a long-time network engineer (CCIE emeritus) and very into network automation. I am the creator/maintainer of the Netmiko Python library and work quite a bit on the NAPALM project.

Just let me know if you have any questions.

The sign-up page is here:

Regards, Kirk

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