Saturday, January 30, 2021

Remote Access Intranet

So I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while, and likely because networking is about the only thing I DONT know how to do, it’s a struggle.

My company runs all its locations through vpn enabled Cisco routers to enable access to company intranet. It’s that same intranet that is the base for all company related restrictions, such as: only being able to clock in while using said network, and only being able to login to company emails (outlook/office 365) through said network.

Normally it wouldn’t even cross my mind as an issue, or something to even pursue but there are several underlying things that push it borderline unnecessary.

  1. Only some assets are maintained through the company intranet, and not the ones you would expect. Namely: External access to company owned emails- No. External access to putty servers- No. External access to anything and everything customer related, from transactions, all the way down to the associate portal where the transaction invoices are kept- Yes.
  2. I have remote access, in several ways, but none are reliable. Option 1.) simple remote access with teamviewer or another desktop access program to any work pc I need. Doable, sure, but incredibly slow and impractical. Option 2.) Remote access via company owned virtual machines. Accessible at any time, anywhere with the right credentials. Again, doable, but unreliable even on my fiber connection. Which brings me here.

The main reasoning for my pursuit of this is due to my need for email access (OneDrive to be exact) where I maintain live documents and trackers for the entire area, and as of now, the easiest option is to remote access, email myself the files needed (because they can’t be shared with external accounts), adjust them as needed, email back to the origin account, remote access again, and upload the newest changes. It’s a bit of a pain in the ass. So really what it boils down to is, what exactly do I need to do to “access” the connection on an external network?

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