Monday, December 14, 2020

Tool to run period ping tests from switches - achievable with Solarwinds?

We have been trying to get some simple baselines for ping times across our network as a benchmark so when if we do have any issues we can compare back. Currently we have Solarwinds set up with NTA, NPM and UDT (from what I can see, we don't have much time to play with it so just leave it running as alerting and back up system). I know I can use Solarwinds to run ping to various devices on our network but was also hoping to run ping from switches on our network. At a basic level I'm thinking I can get Solarwinds to run a job where it logs in to a switch, runs ping commands to the various destination and saves the output. From there I imagine there might be some smart way to check the contents of the text output and maybe generate alerts based on it but that isn't required as we mostly just want a baseline to be able to refer back to.

Is this something worth trying with Solarwinds? I know typically for this type of test you would install and agent or remote servers across the network estate and collect data from there but we currently only run one server. I imagine there are also probably loads of other ways to achieve this or systems that can do it so open to hearing suggestions although we aren't looking to buy anything. I know also something like Ansible or whatever could run mass jobs like this and parse the results but our switch vendor has so far been impossible to get working with Ansible so I don't hold out much hope for things like that achieving this.


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