Sunday, December 13, 2020

I need some help on connecting Eve-NG to a VM

I am trying to learn some networking and want to connect a Linux VM hosted on the same computer as Eve-ng where both exist on the same PC. I have added a managament cloud in Eve-NG that connects to my physical real life network and bridged the Linux VM to that network. But that makes it so the traffic has to go througjt my real life router.

How do I connect the Linux VM directly to Eve-NG without bridging it to my real network? Both are hosted on the same PC.

Is it also possible to connect two Eve-NG instances together on completely computere? For example, one instance could theoretically on another network in someone elses house and connect to mine over the internet?

Can I have the physical PC hosting Eve-NG be on the same the network as a rohter inside Eve-ng? I tried putting my PC on the same subnet as the Eve-NG router interface, but It wouldn't connect. Wouls I put the Eve-ng VM in host only mode?

I am new to Eve-NG and I thought this subreddit might know.

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