Wednesday, December 2, 2020

How to all communication between a device with an IP address of 10.10.254.x and another device with an IP address of 192.168.1.x

Hi all,

I'm working on a project where one piece of equipment comes from the factory with an IP address of 10.10.254.x, where the rest of the network is 192.168.1.x; I'm new to the world of networking at this level, so I've been trying to figure this out but I'm a bit stuck and thought you might be able to help. Here's what I (think) I know so far:

  1. The first device has a "class A" IP address, second device has a "class C" IP address but classes don't really exist anymore because of CIDR.
  2. Point 1 being said, even if my 192.168.1.x device had a subnet mask bit 1, it still could only reach as low as 128.x.x.x so just subnetting doesn't seem to be the fix here.
  3. Seems like a layer 3 device is required to get this to work, correct? That would, so far as I understand, require a router versus a switch.
  4. A friend I was talking to suggested a network bridge, but after reading it seems a bridge is a layer 2 device so I'm not sure that would work.

So it seems I need to use a router between the two devices. I guess my question now is, how much work does it take to configure a router to make this work?

Thanks for any help!

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