Sunday, November 29, 2020

Will routers/packet switches become irrelevant?

So I'm reading the book "Computer Networking - A top down approach" and they started talking about packet switches (routers, links), and it made an analogy that packets depending on packet switches like a Router is analogous to "a driver refusing to use a map but rather drive from A to B and ask B directions to get to C" and so on and so forth. Which makes sense, since the Router is used to forward packets by finding the outbound link via forwarding table. However, I was wondering with AI/ML prevailing right now, do you think some time in the future packets will be able to route themselves without a router via AI? Since Routers are what determines where packets go, seems like it's equivalent to a human giving directions to another human on what to do. But what if there were AI algorithms that were smart enough to do that? I'm pretty sure this probably already exists TBH, maybe with Amazon Web Services. Any thoughts?

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