Friday, November 13, 2020

Whitebox support experience

I just wanted to provide some data to those of you that are considering whitebox solutions, I won't get into the good or bad technical details, but one thing I appreciate is their TAC.

Yesterday I was turning up a 10gbp IPv6 peer and could not figure out why it was not establishing. I call into TAC and the person on the other end answers "Hello?"

TAC: Hello?

Me: Hi, uhm is this ___ TAC?

TAC: Yes.

Me: Uhm, I am having an issue bringing up v6 BGP peer, can I get some help?

TAC: Yes, what is your email? I will send you an invite.

Me: _____

TAC: Sends email.

Me: Joins screenshare to find a 5 people connected. Couple engineers, programmers and a technical lead. This wasn't an outage or high priority ticket. It was a request to help bring a v6 bgp peer online.

The issue was found to be on the upstream providers configuration. Conferenced the upstream in, they made the change, peer up, good to go.

We have ran into some very hard to troubleshoot quirks with whitebox, but I have to admit that the support for trouble tickets sets quite a high bar.

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