Tuesday, October 27, 2020

How long do you expect people to learn and adapt to a very large enterprise infrastructure?

So I have been at a job for the majority of the year working in a hybrid network engineering role and it's been pretty tough, not going to lie. I have a wide range of experience but nothing like this and I can't tell if I'm a slow learner or if it just takes a while to adapt.

I have a CCNA which is basically useless when it comes to troubleshooting anything that's not a hardware issue or other simple stuff that is fairly easy to research or at least problems I can work through with some Googling or time spent on the Cisco forums.

I have experience with virtualization, managing servers, hybrid cloud voice deployments and a lot of things like this.

Just curious what some more experienced people here think as this is basically going into my 3rd year in the industry.

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