Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Singlewire Paging Gateway on remote network

So we have typically used multicast over gre/ipsec and we just got our first Paging GW. I know it does the unicast to multicast conversion. I have this thing all set up, its registered/talking with our Informacast paging server. The PGW device website shows hundreds or attempts and all successful, but i'm not sure what that means. It seems that from the server to thee PGW, we are talking.

This device is sitting on the voice vlan at this site. My understanding was that it would use the phone speaker config from the server to get the mcast info and it would perpetuate it onto the network. The switch has igmp enabled. I figured that should be enough for paging to work.

I will say that i do have the PGW as the destination in the recipient group where the phones typically are, configured within informacast. The switch is a Meraki MS switch. Web is enabled on the phones. We have been paging for some time, just new to the GW. I saw web was enabled on phones, not sure if that was requirement or not.

I am curious is to whats going on exactly from the gateway to the phones. I am assuming that its multicasting on its LAN. In that case, not sure what else to look at. I may try a packet capture on the meraki net listening for the mcast address as the host, during a paging test.

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