Friday, September 4, 2020

Layer 3 core switch recommendations for larger SMBs

I have a client who is outgrowing their Cisco SG-300 52P which which is handling their Layer 3 routing. Getting close to the maximum # of TCAM entries (462 on this one) and once that happens bad things will happen. It's been a bit of a trooper, causing minimal issues and shockingly is still getting firmware updates. But once you hit the TCAM limit, it's game over.

Almost all their other switches are UniFis, but given how new the UniFi layer 3 stuff is I doubt that's ready for prime time in a production environment. 4 or 5 VLANs, 150ish PCs, two buildings, quite a few servers. Ports and PoE doesn't matter, we can easily get another 48 port UniFi PoE to handle that part.

What's that next level up from the base SMB switches with layer 3? Or maybe the $1000-1500 layer 3 devices can now handle much larger loads than the ones of 5 years ago? These folks keep growing and they will spend money, so I would like a solution with realistic headroom to grow.

Any recommendations would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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