Monday, August 17, 2020

Arista vs Cisco - specific reasons why one is better than the other?

Was going through the archives, and saw lots of comments about how "Arista is just better" or how "we're a Cisco shop but I'd go with Arista" and the like, but there wasn't a clear articulation about why that was. I've pieced together multiple comments and threads and it seems like they aggregate towards these:

- single OS

- better automation / open API

- better pricing

- better software, better support teams

I'm sure there's a ton more but these were the main ones. Do you guys think this is the right list about why Arista is better than Cisco or even Juniper? To be honest, seems like Cisco is coming out with better updates to compete more effectively, but just want to make sure I'm thinking about this correctly.

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