Saturday, July 11, 2020

geolocation innacuracy?

We have centralized internet egress points per-region, and we occasionally field complaints from users about various internet services incorrectly identifying their location.

My first gut reaction to this is to call it purely cosmetic and "not a problem", but several of them are deeply insistent that it's a real problem for them. Some of this is stuff like incorrect language defaults for our european users, and other times it's just the local bugbear that certain groups of users will point to as evidence that "the network is slowing them down".

And honestly I'm not very well informed on the REAL impact here. I mean, if a CDN accidently directs you to the wrong cache that could certainly lead to unnecessary performance hits, etc.

Can someone shed some light on the relative importance of geo ip accuracy, which sources are used in production by real web services, and to what extend you can even do anything about one of those sources being innacurate?

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