Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Looking for the end and all be all (high end) physical network testing toolkit

Hey guys so getting towards end of fiscal year for us so waiting for the big pools of money to play with. Currently my small team doesn't have our own dedicated network testers. I have to either steal a netally LRAT-2000 kit from our tier 1 team, or the good fiber tools like the OTDR from our fiber team. I am really tired of using other peoples tools (also harder to when they lose all their stuff) and also dont want to lug around a bunch of tools. I am looking for something to cover as many of my use cases in one tool if possible. I admit I would probably need multiple tools to cover everything but want to get as close as possible.

So right now I am the main person installing equipment on site without any specialty, but I work any project that can present a challenge. A single project can have me working with up to 40g fiber and 10g ethernet on switches, servers, wireless ac, media converters, VOIP, and so on. All your typical enterprise equipment in one go. I was looking at the netally etherscope nxg which covers most of what I want but it looks like its only limited to 10 gigabit. I was wondering if there is anything from enough vendor that supports similar features but can do 40 gig+ connections or any other useful features? I do plan to reach out to one of our normal vendors to see if they have suggestions but figured I would ask here first. If that is a feature-filled as you can get with one device I might start looking into getting a seperate fiber tester thats compact enough to fit both in a single bag.

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