Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Deciphering peculiar traceroute patterns

Hi folks, whenever I traceroute I occasionally see some questionable patterns with hops where I'm not entirely sure what it's doing. I've checked out the TeamNANOG traceroute basics video by Richard Steenbergen and I don't think it covers it. Here's an example of one of those patterns. For a set of hops on a single path, the route hops back and forth two routers/addresses, before carrying on with the route. It would look like this (made up values but good representation):

(Before it happens) 96.101 50ms 51ms 52ms

103.111 62ms 61ms 61ms

111.234 78ms 75ms 79ms

103.111 77ms 76ms 78ms

111.234 110ms 108ms 109ms

(Route continues as normal) 104.993 120ms 131ms 128ms

The rtt not increasing when it loops back to 103.111 could be of interest, but I'm not sure what it could mean, or why behaviors like these happen. Any ideas? Thanks

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