Friday, June 12, 2020

Best network server solution?

I work for a small business that doesn't have an IT department. I know enough to setup network printers and basic things to help when I can, but we outsource everything major to an IT company.

We have 2 locations a couple miles apart and both have 200Mbps download speed. Both locations run our custom CRM software for pretty basic management tasks (E-mail, relationship management, etc). We have 1 server that sits at Location A and everything here runs very smoothly. Ex: Printing a contract for a customer will take 15 seconds.

However, Location B runs much slower when doing the same tasks. It must go out over the internet, make contact with the server, then return the information to print, which takes about a minute. Our IT company told us that increasing the download speed will help, but we already increased from 100mbps down and nothing has changed.

I took our server to Location B, changed the IP address to be recognized on the network, and everything ran at the same speed as it does at Location A. I did not run a print job from Location A to Location B, but I assume it would be very slow.

Is there a way to implement a 2nd server, so each location has their own server and updates the server at the other location?

Thanks for any potential help

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