Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What's connected to my Switch?

Hey guys,

I've got a Dell Force Ten S60. This is a 1 gig switch with a couple of ten gig SFPs installed as a module.

So back in April, I got a notification that the interfaced shifted to 100Mbps instead of 1Gig. These type of things usually fixed themselves, as it was just a laptop going to sleep or something that would toggle the interface port to shift down in speed, then when the computer wakes up it would toggle back to full 1gig speeds.

However, I still see traffic on port 0/23 which has been set at 100Mbps for months now. I pinged all the systems we have connected to that switch and evertyhing appears good. So I've done a show arp, a ping and a show mac address table. Still i don't see anything on port 0/23 but the interface is up and there is traffic.

Again whatever is connected to port 23 doesn't show up on any list to correspond to a mac address or an IP. But I see little tiny bits of traffic on port 23, but I guess nothing with a Mac address is communicating with the switch. So whatever is connected to the other end, maybe it's a sleep?

I'm working remotely so I can't just go tone out the Ethernet line. Wondering if there are any tricks you guys use to figure out what is plugged into the other end of a Dell switch. Or even a Cisco switch, maybe they use similar commands anyhow.

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