Tuesday, May 19, 2020

DHCP best practices in service provider network


I am wondering if I might solicit some advice and a sanity check on the best way to design a multi-subnet DHCP implementation.

Currently, there are routers in multiple regional locations with subnetted ip blocks on customer facing interfaces. Customers in a region get a number from ranges designated to that area.

Two new dhcp servers will be installed in a FOA configuration at different locations. It's been suggested to me that all customer subnets from all regions be thrown together in a DHCP range "pot" available to any customer in any location - allowing for customers from multiple regions to have an IP in the same subnet and to make "it easier." Can that work? How would it be implemented on the router side? How would the dhcp server know where to send a requested ip?

I'm also wondering what potential issues could be caused by the described setup, why it might be better to do it that way as opposed to the current way, and/or whether there's another, better way of doing I haven't mentioned.

TIA for your time.

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