Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Automation on systems without Python installed

I have been learning Python as I see lots of posts about how valuable it is to learn a programming language in regards to automating tasks.

I work for an ISP and can certainly see the benefit of being able to automate a lot of my day-to-day tasks, but what I can't figure out is how I'm supposed to use any python scripts when I don't have any admin-rights on my physical work laptop (Windows) to be able to install Python, let alone run any scripts in the first place.

On top of this, we have a linux server that we connect to all our nodes from, and this server doesn't have Python installed on it either, I think it was either removed/disabled, or my user account doesn't have permissions to be able to use it.

Is there something I'm missing in regards to how python scripts work? Can scripts be packaged in some sort of way so once it has been written all I need to do is transer the file on to my work machine and then it can be executed?

I should mention this is the second ISP I have worked for, and the previous one did not have python already installed on any of their systems, and users did not have any admin-rights on their local machines. I just can't seem to find the motivation to learn how to script if I can't actually apply it anywhere.

How do other people do it?

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