Monday, April 6, 2020

http packet analysis - no packet loss but lots of missed data

I'm trying to get better with tcp packet analysis but I'm stuck here.

A client in Frankfurt is downloading a 10MB file via wget from a server in New York. There's no packet loss and traceroutes come back clean with the expected latency. I did a pcap on the client side and the download starts off okay but a few packets in, the client keeps ACK'ing for the same sequence number, which tells me it's not receiving all the data sent by the server. Here's a screen cap with sequence numbers and ACKs underlined:

This happens frequently throughout the transfer, which results in very slow download speeds. I've tested this from a few different locations globally and most are okay, with only some showing the slower download speeds and exhibiting the same symptoms. My question: if there's no packet loss and latency is normal, what could be causing the client to be missing data from the server?

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