Saturday, April 25, 2020

Anycast & Corporate DNS; also, querying root-level servers directly?

Hey guys, I've got a couple of DNS-related questions for you all.

  1. When you're hosting multiple authoritative name servers for your enterprise - perhaps in primary/backup or active/active data centers - would you typically anycast them to one logical IP address? Or can you register your domain as having multiple authoritative servers?

  2. if you can have multiple authoritative servers, how does the TLD server decide which one to route requests to? Are there assigned levels of priority? Is it round robin? Are there any health checks involved?

  3. Typically on your corporate DNS servers would they query all the root-level DNS servers directly, or do they need to route through your ISP's DNS servers / public DNS servers such as

Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm just trying to understand a bit more about how DNS is configured both on the enterprise side as well as the TLD & root sides. I've searched online and I can't seem to find any answers to this question beyond just the basics of DNS.

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