Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Noob with a vlan question!

Sorry in advance because I'm sure this has been covered but I'm learning about vlans and how to set them up for iot homelabs and had a very basic networking question. Did i mention I'm a noob?

So i get (i think) that vlans exist on certain ports or banks of ports of managed switches. Regular computers would exist on one vlan, iot devices on another. The next level up would be a router, which then connects to the modem and then the Internet, right?

So going the other direction

1) Internet/cable company

2) home modem

3) router or router modem combo

4) managed switch

5) all the vlans

Is this correct?

If you wanted a dedicated WiFi network for each vlan, would you just shove another router in between 4 and 5 for each respective vlan?

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