Thursday, February 27, 2020

Python for Network Engineers, free course, starts Tuesday, March 3rd

Periodically, I run a free course on Python for Network Engineers. The next course starts this Tuesday.

This course is aimed at Network Engineers that want to learn Python. It covers Python fundamentals, but using exercises and examples that are more relevant to network engineers. That being said the course is definitely oriented towards beginners (from a Python programming perspective).

The week-by-week schedule for the course is as follows:

Week1 - Why Python, the Python Interpreter Shell, and Strings
Week2 - Numbers, Files, Lists, and Linters
Week3 - Conditionals and Loops
Week4 - Dictionaries, Exceptions, and Regular Expressions
Week5 - Functions and the Python Debugger
Week6 - Netmiko Basics
Week7 - Jinja2 Basics, Introduction to YAML and JSON, Complex Data Structures
Week8 - Libraries, Package Installation, and Virtual Environments

The course is taught using Python3.

The course format is a lesson a week for eight weeks. The lessons are all delivered via email and consist of videos, exercises, and additional content. The course is self-paced i.e. you can work on it on your schedule.

A bit about myself: I am a long-time network engineer (CCIE #6243 emeritus). For several years, I have been working extensively in network automation. I am the creator/maintainer of the Netmiko-Python library. I am also a core maintainer on the NAPALM-Python library. I also work quite a bit on both Nornir and Ansible.

Sign-up is available here:

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