Tuesday, February 25, 2020

F5 Load Balancing - Request Numbers

Can anyone with experience tell me if there is a way to view some basic information about the number of requests that came into an F5 load balancer during a specific time period? It does not need to be super detailed log information, even just something as simple as x number of requests between this time and this time. A bonus if you can get data that you could plot in a graph that shows the rise and fall of requests over that period of time.

I'm working with a 3rd party that controls the environment in which I deploy an application to. He originally mentioned that he could get numbers like this, but not detailed logs about the requests. He is now backing out of that statement and is really refusing to give me a reason why other than "it just cannot be done".

It sounds like something that should be available, but I haven't found anything helpful after doing some google searching. I just want to know if I can find some information and how to do this and pass it along to him so that I can get the information I need.


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