Tuesday, February 11, 2020

DoD IP addresses on Telstra cellular interfaces

Hi all,

I have a bunch of cellular devices with "internet access SIMs" on the Telstra network in Australia. These usually get the IPv4 private addresses in a 10.x range and are NATted via a 1.144.x address to the internet which is as expected.

My, not so much of an, issue is that some of these devices are getting allocated a 22.x IP which is still NATted as expected but the whois of these IPs are the DoD...

It is not service affecting as they are IoT devices running a specialised application to an AWS server but it does seem odd.

Obviously, if you are NATting then you can use whatever you like as long as the internet is accessible but it seems like really bad practice when I would normally expect an RFC1918 or an RFC6598 address.

Does this seem "right" to you all or has APNIC and ARIN just not updated a transfer of ownership or did I miss a reallocation of a range into a special use range?

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