Saturday, February 29, 2020

Competency Plateau or Peak

Sorry to break the usual stream of yummy techincal problem solving posts, but I need some folks to weigh in on something. While this is a serious question, I refuse to mark it as such because I just may need the levity at this point.

Have y'all ever gotten to the point where you think you have hit the highest level of competency in your field that you can? I am not talking about the run of the mill "imposter syndrome" that any engineer with an ounce of humility experiences once in a while. This is more of a long period of time where learning new tech seems almost out of reach or is at a minimum moving glacially slow. I haven't been in networking very long...6-7 years and I started very late in life. I am almost 50 and never worked in IT prior to this and never thought I was bright enough to do it. Maybe it's an age thing??? I don't know...

I have no room to complain really...I have gotten extremely far in a short period of time. I have a pretty amazing job, but the amount of learning that we have to continually do seems like a wall at this point. We cover a good bit of ground where I work, so we work on quite a few different platforms. However, just as most enterprise size companies, we are always on the cusp of major changes. I am comfortable for the most part with my networking chops at this early point in my career, but I am just starting wade into devops and I seem to always be in fog. Is it possible that we have just so much RAM and that's it??? Can't learn anymore? I just keep at it and hope that an ah ha moment is around the corner, but at 48 years old with a family I don't have the time after work to put into knowledge seeking. So do we peak? I don't know. Giving up is not an option, but I am, starting to feel a bit...tired.

I really hope y'all have amazing careers and thanks for being mentors to folks like me.

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