Wednesday, February 5, 2020

2x100G Data Center Interconnects

Toying with the idea of purchasing 2X100G circuits between our data centers to use for multiple various circuits that connect in different places in the network and have different requirements. Thinking to land the 2x100G circuits to a pair of switches and then provision 10/25G ports off of those switches for different "circuits". Think of a poor man's WAN.

There are a couple of ways I can think of achieving what I'm looking for. Looking for other ideas or suggestions. Maybe it would be best to actually run some ONS if we want to do such a design. Any other ideas for more of a poor man's WAN, aside from just purchasing individual 10G circuits when the need arises?

-Simple VLANs - obvious spanning tree, blocking, wasted bandwidth

-MPLS L2VPN - seems overly complex for the need


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