Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Verifying VoIP/(Skype/Teams) performance over WLAN

Are there any tools to test VoIP/Skype/Teams performance between two wireless endpoints? For example a tool that would allow me to play a high-quality audio file over the call, and the other end would also have the same audio file and then it could compare the call quality to the original? And also log if there are any problems like bad call quality, parts of the audio lost or something similar?

Or would that be a completely wrong way to approach this :)?

What I'm trying to do here is after the initial WLAN setup to make sure it works well even when we're doing some iperf tests at the same time etc. And if someone has issues later on, we could have a solid measurement when and if that happens. As most people luckily don't have to spend 8 hours a day in skype meetings so just asking the users might not really give exact facts when and if it is happening

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