Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Upload speeds slow for 6 months. ISP has no idea why..

Back in July 2019 we noticed our upload speeds were about 1/3 of what we pay for. I opened a ticket with the ISP and they replaced the modem. Speeds were good for 4 days and then they dropped back down. Opened another ticket and the field engineer came out to check the lines on the poles. They found a cracked wire on the pole, replaced it, and speeds were back to normal. 4 days later... back down. They came and replaced the modem again since all they provide is refurbished equipment. Speeds were back to normal and what do you know? 4 days goes by and they are back down.

ISP escalated to the NOC and NOC said they don’t see any issues. The field engineer supervisor said it could be an issue with static IPs? Didn’t really see how that was possible. I asked to have a temporary modem with a new range to give us time to test/reconfigure everything (we have 15 IPs with multiple site-to-site VPNs and other configurations that need time and planning.) Corporate denied giving us a new modem without paying and we refuse to pay. The issue was 4 months old at this point.

To add more complexity to the issue, we have another modem here for a customer that we provide disaster recovery services for. This modem is coming off of the same line from outside into the building. There is a splitter connecting both modems. This modem has 0 issues and the upload speeds are exactly what they should be.

7 months later and they are increasing our rate code today to “see if it helps”. They already did this 2-3 months ago and it didn’t do anything.

We monitored our network upload to see if somehow something was causing it internally but nothing was found.

Does anybody have any idea what could be causing something like this or anything we can look for/do that will help figure this out? Thanks in advance.

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