Thursday, January 30, 2020

Prefer bgp default over local static default

Hey guys --

gear: Cisco Routers

routing: BGP

I have two datacenters, DC-A and DC-B.

I have a default route being advertised out of both. DC-A is the primary, DC-B has its default poisoned as it isn't distributed.

Is there a way, without using ip sla, to prefer DC-A's default route at DC-B and if DC-A's default fails (falls off the table) to use it's static route --- but! then fail back to DC-A when it comes back online?

As of now I've added a static with a local distance of 250 (at DC-B), which works great if the default is already in the table. But if it falls off, the bgp route never takes precedence again. I believe this is because of weight?

I'm not sure if i'm missing something simple or what. I know i can handle this at each DC with two statics and two slas/object tracking, etc... I just wanted to handle it via preference and higher static (which the static would be tracked by SLA for reach ability)

To clarify on the SLA in the above paragraph.... SLA would be used to keep the local default route in the table (at a higher distance in DC-B, default (1) in DC-A)....

Sorry if I'm not making sense...

edit: carrier doesn't support bfd :(

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