Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Does each branch on an MPLS network have its own public IP?

Currently working with an enterprise customer who has an MPLS network and a bunch of different branch offices. I’m trying to understand their network topology for a large IP camera system we are quoting. The head of IT there says that none of the branch offices have a public IP address, and they only have one IP company wide at HQ and all of the branch offices are tied back to HQ over the Internet. Each branch has its own internet connections. How the heck can you have internet connection without a public IP? Is what he’s saying accurate? I would think every office at the least would have a dynamic IP, right?. I’m not very familiar with MPLS and have been doing my research to try to understand it to the best of my abilities, but have had no luck finding out about the IP question. Thanks for any help to further my understanding of MPLS!

Edit: thanks to all of the helpful and kind redditors, I understand how this all works and is setup. You learn something new every day! Thank you so much everyone!

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