Thursday, November 14, 2019

Looking for peering and transit examples for VPN providers

Hi all!

I've just accepted a job with a relatively small consumer VPN provider. Although I'm not in their networking/IT department, I do want to wrap my head around some of the issues and grow into that space.

1) I've read about peering and meet-me rooms in DCs. However, everything I can find communicates these topics in the context of ISPs and large network-heavy organizations such cloudflare and Netflix so I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around practical applications for VPN providers. Does anyone have an example or resources where I can learn more in this context? For example, would a VPN provider who's customers stream a lot of Netflix benefit, through a reduction of public transfer costs as charged by their DC provider, from joining a meet-me room where Netflix also resides? Also is this the same or similar to Netflix's openconnect program?

2) During the interview process they mentioned transit costs as one of their KPIs and said this was measured in $/ Gbps (IIRC). I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how this could be measured practically. Again, all I find are examples that are hard for me to translate to the VPN provider context eg articles about recent events related to cloudflare and Netflix transit costs. How might a VPN provider measure transit costs in $/Gbps? As I understand it, data center providers generally charge a flat rate $/GB/month based on 95th percentile rate that month.

Looking forward to diving in so thanks everyone for your ideas and suggestions!


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