Tuesday, November 12, 2019

application aware routing - dual wan routers

i run a small business with one location; our DSL line can't keep up with our needs, we can't increase the speed, and satelliet is the only other option in the area. i did some research and am currently leaning towards setting up a dual wan router, but I need to control what applications use which uplink, and I have had trouble finding options (the Meracki MX looks plausible). are there products <$1,500 (or close) that can do this that I can look at and evaluate?

Usage requirements

  • i want to make sure that the video conferencing goes over the DSL line, and not the satellite uplink (which has terrible latency); i don't control what conferencing solutions our clients use and there are a ton (webex, skype, zoom, slack, blue jean, etc.), i can't control this by port, etc. - it seems I need a solution that can detect / fingerprint at the application layer and route based on that. is that doable?
  • then i want to use the satellite for other applications to ensure the DSL line is avail for video conferencing etc. e.g. if you are streaming youtube videos, listening to spotify, uploading/downloading files via gdrive or box, browsing reddit instead of working ;) etc. - i want that to use the satellite connection

thanks in advance!

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