Friday, November 29, 2019

Anglesey single point of failure

Hi. I've been told by a business i'm doing some work for that the Isle of Anglesey has a single connectivity cable to mainland UK via the Britannia bridge so if something happens there, fire etc. the entire island would lose internet connectivity and therefore they wanted suggestions for resilience as they are becoming more reliant on it.

Looking at the submarine cable map I can see that there are actually two fibre lines connecting Holyhead to Ireland. Would the business just need to engage with an Irish ISP to take advantage of this route? None of the UK providers would use this route (i don't think) as Ireland is a foreign country. The management companies of the lines offer dark fibre etc. but the business has no presence in Ireland and therefore nothing to connect to at the other end.

This isn't my area of expertise so not entirely sure what the business would need to do to get Internet over these lines or if it's even possible?

Any suggestions?


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