Tuesday, October 1, 2019

netmiko question (3-prompt system)

I've got some VM appliances that are CentOS-based and I want to do some automation on them. I can't use the Linux device type because the vendor is using klish to present an application-specific shell that has a prompt terminating with >. I can use something like terminal_server or alcatel_aos to get stuff working, but I'd rather get something more usable. The klish shell allows you to drop out to a bash shell with a $ terminator and then, of course, you can su to root and get a # terminator. I wrote my own device type and hacked the source to get it working with all three prompts and implemented the admin functions, but I don't really like that solution either.

Is there a way to include a new device type without going through the submission process? I'm not experienced enough to handle all the requirements for submitting new device types (black, plint, etc). I'm a little below intermediate at best in python. I've noticed that packages like pygments allow runtime "plugins" through the use of entry points. Is that something that can be done with netmiko?

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