Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dell PowerConnect 5548 automation

Our company uses a lot of old PowerConnect 5548 switches for servers. We have created a number of automation scripts in perl and python which are based on pexpect and netmiko. The issue that we encounter is that the switches occasionally freeze up when sending commands and then end up skipping a number of the following commands. So in ACL rule case, it would miss a few ACL rules. This happens with both telnet and ssh connections. The hangups are noticeable on manual command entering as well. The solution so far was to slow down command entering process as to give each command time in case of a freeze-up but it's not very efficient and slows down the whole process noticeably.

Has anyone dealt with these switches and found a way to manage them in an efficient way? Just curious how other people deal with them (if they actually do).

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