Friday, August 23, 2019

Wifi Extender Implementation for large commercial property - nonpro looking for advice

Hello cable runners and bearded administrators

I'm unfortunately the guy in my office who can google, and as such I've been tasked with filling the holes in our property's public wifi network.

The network directs users to a captive portal prior to allowing access. Are there plug and play wifi repeaters I can use that won't stop users from accessing and logging in to the main wifi network? I've seen extenders in the past that were logged into directly, and I'm trying to avoid something like that. Ideally it would be as transparent as possible, without having to drag techs from 4 states away where our IT HQ is and have them run new cable for routers.

I'm having a hard time finding a clean explanation and any assistance would be hugely appreciated. I can probably physically access most of the routers currently in use, but I'm not 100% sure.

Thank you,

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