Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What exactly does a Signal Refresh do on a cable modem?

So I'm having this weird issue with spectrum where my modem start dropping like 5% packets. This is not enough to really show up if I you have a single ping -t going, but if I get 4 of them going at the same time I can see them getting dropped every now and then.

This is a huge problem because I'm usually playing a game and using discord voice chat. In game this will cause me to rubberband every once in a while and also distort discord voice chat for a split second, enough to make me ask someone to repeat themselves.

What's weird is that power-cycling the modem doesn't help. But the two times that I called spectrum they did a "signal refresh" and it fixes the issue for the night (but it comes back the next day when I get off work). They said it's different than just power-cycling your modem. Neither tech was able to explain to me exactly what this is doing, so I am wondering if anyone knows. They also said I can do this if I get the phone app or something.

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