Saturday, June 1, 2019

To those who've asked me how to prepare for networking interviews...

...and to those who've been blindsided by interviews in the past:

Every time someone asks me how to prepare for a networking interview, I'm at a loss for where to start. There are so many factors that can affect what you'd expect to see in an interview.

That said, there are some common bits, but giving people the same pieces of advice over and over again makes me feel like this. I decided to update my YouTube channel with actual content for the first time in...geez, six years? Wow. We've gone through two revisions of the CCNA since then, I think!

In any case, here's a video on networking interviews. It definitely doesn't cover everything, but it certainly covers the most common pieces of advice I give. This is the result of years of in-person interviews and phone screens, and from a slide deck assembled by /u/HoorayInternetDrama. (That's right, I didn't forget about that slideshow you sent me almost a year ago!)

I'm definitely open to feedback on the content (production quality sucks, I know, working on that). Feel free to chip in with other morsels you think you would be useful to the community, also!

Mods: I'm 99% sure this doesn't break Rule #5, but I don't want to break rule #3 either. My primary goal here is to have a post to reference when folks ask about networking interviews - not just at an entry level, because I see lots of engineers who should know better make the mistakes I mention. Hopefully the comment discussion can add more context than my video alone. That's the idea, anyway. :P

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