Thursday, June 27, 2019

Power Monitoring

I'm having an issue at my data center where I'm seeing a small number of my devices reboot during a couple times of the day. The devices do not have any shared network equipment or PDUs and so I believe the cause is external.

I'm wondering if I'm getting a brief drop from 208V to 180V or something like that.

Does anyone have any recommendations on something I can use to monitor input power on a high-frequency basis? I thought about dragging a UPS over there and having it log input but the spares I have only sample on a 1 minute basis and if there's an issue I suspect it would need to be much more granular to catch it. Ideally, it's something I can order from Amazon and have overnighted. I'll need two of them so that I can monitor the A and B power feeds.

EDIT: And yes, before you ask, I did open a ticket with the DC.

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