Thursday, May 16, 2019

Update: Since Friday have experienced multiple power/network failures. 95% back, can't get *some* Macbooks onto Wireless

Friends - we have slayed the beast that was this issue!

So some updates before the final fix - In addition to Macbooks not being able to connect to the wireless, we discovered with time some Windows/Android/iOS devices that wouldn't connect to wireless and finally this week we discovered several clients not connecting to wired.

Yes...this issue took over a week to resolve.

Was it a bad DHCP helper statement as /u/TastyNuggiez, /u/0xBEEFBEEFBEEF, /u/Jedi_Lucky, /u/pacodude78 predicted?

Was it VLANs as /u/BigPapaGotti thought?

Spanning tree /u/Cableguy87 ?

Sadly...we'll never know. We rebooted the entire goddamn switch stack and everything resolved itself. I have to say, I've been doing desktop support for almost 10 years now and I've never seen an issue like this before.

The only thing I can think of is what /u/BaconEatingChamp, /u/cr0ft and /u/k-med were alluding to and that was the switch change in the stack that ended up causing...something. I can't tell you what that something was but fully rebooting the entire stack fixed all our issues.

My guess is, between the two unintended power outages and the failure of the switch and installing the new switch something got corrupted in a config or port somewhere. But the fact that **some** clients worked just fine the whole time and others didn't? Strange shit.

Thank you to all for your input and suggestions, I wish I had a true root cause for you to digest but for now, we get to be satisfied with the fact that no matter what level of technology we're dealing with, sometimes we just need to turn it off, then back on again.

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