Friday, May 17, 2019

Request for a comprehensive course that covers networking - TCP, IP, routing, switching etc.


I have a general idea about networking basics (OSI model, TCP protocol , how packets flwo thru OSI model) etc.

What i am looking for:

  1. I dont have a deeper understanding of things like - TCP packet structure, various algorithms like BGP, OSPF, how a router functions, how a switch functions, routing tables, how routing paths are decided , Nagles algorithm, TCP_CORK , how to do in-depth network troubleshooting on Linux etc.
  2. I haven't found a single course or a set of learning paths that cover all these topics
  3. Reason for learning all this - Trying to prep for interviews.

Websites i have access to?:

I have linkedin learning, Pluralsight, linux academy subscriptions.


Is there a single course out there, that covers networking in-depth

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