Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Homework help regarding Zone transfers

Below is the question that I have to answer for some homework. My main question is if i'm going in the right direction or not. What I think is that this requires the creation of a secondary zone and a zone transfer from the csmpub.com to the DCs using a standard Refresh Interval. Steps would be to configure it in on the Zone Transfer Tab under properties dialog. I don't need a step by step here on each action. I have a description how to do this in my book.

Case Project 10-1 Resolving Names of Internet Resources

You have an Active Directory–integrated domain named csmtech.local with two DCs that are DNS servers.

You also have an Internet presence with its own domain name, csmpub.com, and a DNS server that’s not part of an Active Directory domain.

You want the DCs to be able to resolve the names of csmpub.com resources and to act as backup for the csmpub.com DNS database.

What can you do to achieve these goals? Describe the steps you would take.

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