Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Do most of you people here recognize most of the tools and acronyms mentioned here? I'm still pretty green to the field, but there are sooo many different acronyms and tools out their that I have a hard time believing most people have any clue what other people are talking about on this sub.

Am I the only one? Like I said, I'm new to this. But how long have you been in the field and what percentage of these posts/questions do you understand without consulting Google? I try to pick a new acronym or tool a day to look up and research, but come up with 10 new ones in the first 4 post's titles. Do most of you guys understand most of what's being asked/discussed here?

And if so, why do you think you can so easily keep up with all of the topics/tools/technologies that are brought up here? How can I do the same? Experience? Study? Tech news?....?? There are so many fucking acronyms!!!

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