Friday, March 1, 2019

Ear protection?

So I just learned that a data center can get up to 85 dB and that is well above the dB level that can damage your hearing. I just started a job and it's the first job that I actually go to physical devices (precious work was always remote) and so them offering ear plugs was kind of weird to me. But after searching I've decided to use some protection.

However anything that's in-ear always hurts my ears. I struggle to find ear buds that don't hurt or don't just fall out all the time. So I've been shopping around for something not in-ear. I'm getting a little confused about the measurements and what I need to a room full of servers, switches, and routers. Is there anything you suggest? What level protection should I look for?

I know this isn't necessarily networking, but it is something us networking admins/engineers/analyists need to think about so hopefully this thread can help someone else as well.

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