Monday, December 31, 2018

Rural ISP's robbing customers blind.

So I live in a very rural part of CA and only have access to satellite or point to point wireless. We all know the data limited story with satellite and I am grateful that I have the point to point as a second option but the cost these ISP's charge for the throughput speeds you get is just outrageous. I pay $300 a month for an unlimited point to point 30Mb/s down and 10Mb/s up connection when people are able to get gigabit for around $100 a month 30-45 min away. Now I get that living in a lovely rural area like I am comes at a cost and I should not expect city luxuries in a rural environment. But 3x the cost of a gigabit connection 30 min away at 3% of the speeds is just driving me insane. Even if I lived right in town and had Comcast business I could get 80-100Mb/s for around $150 a month. Is there something I am missing that justifies wireless ISP's charging these outrageous prices for such slow speeds? I hate the thought of moving for internet but it is starting to come to that point. I work in IT, am a heavy gamer and I'm tired of having a car payment for slow internet. Unless something major changes in the rural wireless internet game I don't think the situation out here is going to get any better any time soon. I apologize if this isn't the right place for this but I wanted others opinions and thought I might find some insight here.

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